Friday, 11 June 2010

Values and Perceptions

I took this shot in the summer of 2009. As I was wandering about Riverside Gardens in Chatham shooting the soon-to-be-gone-forever, this group of young gentlemen asked me to take their photograph. I did so and, naturally, the group asked to see the photo on the camera screen. Thing is, this is film. There is no preview. This concept was clearly alien.

I gave out a couple of cards and said to email me, and I'd let the the group know when the photo was available. The boys thanked me and I walked away.

Then came the shout: "Paedo"!

Yeah. Thanks for that. Film is disappearing as fast as civil liberties and social documentary photography. One day, when you are old and I am dead, this photo will be part of my legacy and you will maybe see your your young selves and see the value of the space your town once had through older, wiser eyes.

The brightest of futures to each and every one of you.

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